Campbell Valley Cultural Heritage Overview
The Campbell Valley Cultural Heritage Overview is a glossy report and a digital deliverable — an information hub that consolidates historical information and sketches a wide range of historical connections to the park.
It will help interpreters, guide discussion, and inform public consultation as planners engage with communities and envision new nodes of use for the park.
For Metro Vancouver Parks
Flood Histories
For the past few years, I’ve been lucky to work with the hydrologists at NHC on a number of cross-disciplinary and community-based projects related to flooding and flood infrastructure.
Sometimes I assist the engineering team with community engagement and local research; sometimes I find new evidence to fill gaps in historical flood data; and sometimes I comb the archives to find information about decisions made in the past whose legacies resonate today.
Recently we’ve also been working to marry Indigenous Knowledge with western science to understand flood risk under climate change.
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